Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Where in the world did October go? I feels like yesterday we moved into our new house and we've been here a month already! Gary and I both took some vacation time this past weekend to get things done around the house. Needless to say we spent most of our time shopping for things we didn't necessarily need but things we WANTED ...
But we did accomplish alot !

On Saturday we had a few friends over for a Halloween "gathering", we had a blast, there were supermarket sweepstakes contestants, ninja turtles, hippies and Clemson fans, nice mixture to say the least.

On Sunday we had a few trick or treaters, so many cute little children around our neighborhood !!

Monday we relaxed had a few doctors appointments, everything is still going well :)

Unfortunately Gary is back on nights again, but not for long. I miss him so much when he is not here but for some reason I am able to get alot more done :)

Well off to slave cleaning these bathrooms for the night !!