Monday, July 18, 2011

34 weeks and ALOT in between !

Its definitely been a roller coaster ride of our lives since last week. Monday morning I woke up just not feeling right .. I had a weird feeling that maybe it was time. Gary called my ob and we went to be "checked", while we were there I had a non stress test and I was contracting every couple of minutes. Our ob decided we should go to ob triage for fluids etc .. ! After being there a couple of hours we were discharged. We were then informed our labor will not be aggressively stopped again. Once we were home I could tell Gary was in "panic" mode. I got on the couch to rest and he decided there were a few last minute things he should pick up ....

Tuesday was a whole new day .. I guess after three bags of fluid .. I felt like I could do anything. We finished some of the stuff in the nursery and washed the rest of our sized newborn clothes. We had a quite night on Tuesday not knowing what Wednesday would bring ..

Wednesday we had our 34 week appointment .. we were told we were going to get to have a growth scan even though we werent scheduled for one. We were ecstatic .. sad my mom wasn't there because she hadn't missed an ultrasound but we couldn't wait to hear how big they had gotten and how their development was going. Im not sure if it was just a mothers instinct or what but I could see the panic all over the ultrasound techs face as she measured Baby A .. Harper. The comment was made that he was alot smaller than she expected. I of course felt my eyes start to tear up .. what do you mean ... smaller .. he has always been bigger etc. She went on to measure Baby B Stella. We weren't to sure exactly what to say or what to do ....

We were taken from the ultrasound room to the exam room where we seen Dr Lafitte. As he entered the room I embrassed myself as Gary stood by me. He started off by telling me Harper had only taken two our of eight breaths and the he was measuring in the 12th percentile. Stella was fine she was had taken eight out of eight breaths and she was measuring in the 84th percentile. Everything from that moment on seems to be a blur. Of course Gary kicked into medical mode and started asking tons of questions ... stuff I couldnt even think of ... after tons of explaining we were admitted to Labor and Delivery High Risk. After steroid shots and lots of tears we seen our Maternal and Fetal Doctor Thursday morning. We had a doppler scan .. growth study .. we watched each baby take numerous breaths. It was the best feeling in the world to see them both moving and ok. They couldn't find anything wrong with Harper .. such a blessing. We had been lifted up with so many prayers .. what a relief. I knew there was nothing that God would put us through that we wouldn't be able to handle .. but it was definitely the scariest 24 hours of my life!

We are BEYOND thankful that we have TWO very healthy babies ... and if they decide to make their appearance early we are mentally and emotionally prepared. Surgery and all I am ready to see their sweet little faces and hear them cry for the first time!! I am absolutely head over hills in love with THEM and my supportive husband. Without him and our amazing families I don't know where I would be today ...

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